
Here is a link to the graph of my introductory course on probabilities (still in construction, works best with firefox). Click on GRAPHS/proba on the left pannel and use the mouse to move around the graph. The mouse wheel enables to zoom in and out, and clicking on a node displays its content on the right pannel. Here is a link to the software used to creat the graph from a latex document.

Demo tool for mathematical morphology


Here is a link to the python code of the paper:
Chevallier E., Li D., Lu Y., Dunson D., 'Exponential-wrapped distributions on symmetric spaces' submitted at SIMODS


Here is a link to my google scholar.



Since October 2018 I am an assistant professor at Aix-Marseille university (AMU), in the "physics and image processing" team of the Fresnel institute. My research is focused on data science problems involving particular geometric structures. More precisely, I have been interested / work on:  Before joining AMU, I was a post-doc at Duke university with David Dunson and Jana Schaich Borg, a post-doc at the Weizmann institute with Ronen Basri, and a phd student at Ecole des Mines de Paris with Jesus Angulo.